Published September 11, 2024

Finding the Best Value: Offshore Laravel Developer Rates By Country

The global economy and markets are becoming more connected, leading companies to use offshore teams. This strategy helps them cut costs and tap into a broader range of skilled workers. Offshoring means hiring staff from overseas where the average wage is lower than in your country. For startups or SMEs, outsourcing can be particularly beneficial as it allows for high-quality work at reduced costs compared to local hiring. Understanding the Laravel developer rates variations when hiring developers from different countries is crucial for effective budgeting. This is particularly the case when it comes to certified positions like a Laravel developer and a specialised programmer for the most popular PHP framework. In this blog post, we will discuss the factors that affect Laravel Developer salaries across the globe and also provide a comprehensive comparison of the hiring price of Laravel developers around the world, be it local hiring or offshore hiring.

Understanding the cost variations when hiring developers from different countries is crucial for effective budgeting. This is particularly the case when it comes to certified positions like a Laravel developer and a specialised programmer for the most popular PHP framework. In this blog post, we will discuss the factors that affect Laravel Developer salaries across the globe and also provide a comprehensive comparison of the hiring price of Laravel developers around the world, be it local hiring or offshore hiring.

Understanding Laravel Developer Rates

Laravel Developer Rates is the money that Laravel developers receive for their work each month or per project, depending on the signed contract type. There are several frameworks available for building PHP web applications, but Laravel is one of the most elegant frameworks with magnified features. The salary of a Laravel developer can vary significantly based on several factors. It's important to review these fundamentals to ensure a solid understanding, which will aid in planning your project effectively. 

Factors Influencing Laravel Developer Salaries

  • Experience Level:
      • Junior Laravel Developers: This is usually a population that has little or no prior work experience since many of them are fresh out of graduation. These professionals are generally young individuals or learners who have just entered the industry. It is important to note that junior-level Laravel developers will earn relatively lower wages due to their experience tenure.
      • Senior Laravel Developers: These developers can have five or more years of experience in a given occupation or profession. Due to their high level of skills and knowledge, their salaries are higher than those of other developers.
  • Geographical Location:
      • Wages are influenced by the cost of living and average salaries in each country. For example, professionals with similar skills and experience who work for developers in North America and Western Europe are paid more than their counterparts in Asia and Eastern Europe.
  • Industry Demand:
      • Areas that require the use of specialised frameworks, such as Laravel, might have high market demand but low supply. On the other hand, there could be regions where developers remain plentiful, and these specialists are not very demanding when it comes to their salary rates.
  • Company Size and Budget:
    • Company size and budget also play a role, as larger firms typically offer higher salaries compared to smaller companies or startups. While the former provides developers to its clients directly, the latter oftentimes turns to offshore developers to get what they want cheaply, as explained above.

Laravel Developer Rates by Country

Now, let us compare Laravel developers' average costs in different countries to understand the cost difference better. The following section compares the monthly wages for junior and senior Laravel developers across different regions and provides various tables to give you a numeric knowledge of the hiring cost of both local and offshore Laravel developers.

In Case You Hire Laravel Developers Working Locally

Country Hourly Salary (Junior Laravel Developer) Hourly Salary (Senior Laravel Developer) Medical Insurance (Monthly) Taxes & Social Contributions Other Costs (Benefits, etc.) Total Cost (Monthly) (Junior Laravel Developer) Total Cost (Monthly) (Senior Laravel Developer)
United States $40 - $60 $80 - $120 $500 - $1,000 10% - 15% of Salary $200 - $500 $7,000 - $11,000 $14,500 - $23,500
Canada $35 - $55 $70 - $110 $400 - $800 12% - 18% of Salary $150 - $400 $6,160 - $9,920 $12,320 - $18,840
United Kingdom $30 - $50 $70 - $100 $300 - $600 15% - 20% of salary $100 - $300 $5,650 - $9,100 $12,000 - $18,600
Germany $35 - $55 $70 - $105 $200 - $400 20% - 25% of salary $100 - $300 $6,300 - $10,300 $12,800 - $19,725
Australia $35 - $55 $70 - $105 $250 - $500 9.5% superannuation + taxes $150 - $350 $6,300 - $10,150 $12,800 - $19,375
India $10 - $15 $25 - $35 $50 - $100 5% - 10% of salary $20 - $50 $1,900 - $3,300 $4,150 - $5,975
Philippines $8 - $12 $20 - $30 $30 - $60 10% - 15% of salary $10 - $30 $1,500 - $2,280 $3,330 - $5,280
Ukraine $15 - $20 $35 - $45 $50 - $100 18% of salary $30 - $80 $2,750 - $3,850 $6,275 - $8,425
Poland $18 - $25 $40 - $50 $100 - $200 20% of salary $50 - $100 $3,150 - $4,650 $7,500 - $9,750
Brazil $12 - $18 $30 - $40 $100 - $200 20% - 30% of salary $50 - $100 $2,580 - $4,260 $6,550 - $9,300

Calculation Method:

Total Hours Worked per Month: Assumed 160 hours per month (40 hours per week).

Total Salary per Month (Junior): Hourly rate * 160 hours.

Total Salary per Month (Senior): Hourly rate * 160 hours.

Taxes & Social Contributions: Calculated as a percentage of the total salary.

Total Cost per Month: Sum of salary, medical insurance, taxes & social contributions, and other costs.

In Case You Hire Offshore Laravel Developers Working Remotely

Country Hourly Salary (Junior Offshore Laravel Developer) Hourly Salary (Senior Offshore Laravel Developer) Medical Insurance (Monthly) Taxes & Social Contributions Other Costs (Benefits, etc.) Total Cost (Monthly) (Junior Offshore Laravel Developer) Total Cost (Monthly) (Senior Offshore Laravel Developer)
United States $30 - $50 $60 - $100 $0 $0 $0 $4,800 - $8,000 $9,600 - $16,000
Canada $25 - $45 $55 - $90 $0 $0 $0 $4,000 - $7,200 $8,800 - $14,400
United Kingdom $20 - $40 $50 - $80 $0 $0 $0 $3,200 - $6,400 $8,000 - $12,800
Germany $25 - $45 $55 - $85 $0 $0 $0 $4,000 - $7,200 $8,800 - $13,600
Australia $25 - $45 $55 - $85 $0 $0 $0 $4,000 - $7,200 $8,800 - $13,600
India $5 - $10 $15 - $25 $0 $0 $0 $800 - $1,600 $2,400 - $4,000
Philippines $5 - $8 $12 - $18 $0 $0 $0 $800 - $1,280 $1,920 - $2,880
Ukraine $8 - $15 $20 - $35 $0 $0 $0 $1,280 - $2,400 $3,200 - $5,600
Poland $10 - $18 $25 - $40 $0 $0 $0 $1,600 - $2,880 $4,000 - $6,400
Brazil $7 - $12 $18 - $28 $0 $0 $0 $1,120 - $1,920 $2,880 - $4,480

Calculation Method:

  • Total Hours Worked per Month: Assumed 160 hours per month (40 hours per week).
  • Total Salary per Month (Junior): Hourly rate * 160 hours.
  • Total Salary per Month (Senior): Hourly rate * 160 hours.
  • Total Cost per Month: Sum of salary, assuming $0 for medical insurance, taxes & social contributions, and other costs.

Local Laravel Developers Hiring Vs Offshore Laravel Developers

Country Total Cost (Monthly) (Local Junior Laravel Developer) Total Cost (Monthly) (Junior Offshore Laravel Developer) Total Cost (Monthly) (Local Senior Laravel Developer) Total Cost (Monthly) (Senior Offshore Laravel Developer) Benefits of Hiring Offshore Developers
United States $7,000 - $11,000 $4,800 - $8,000 $14,500 - $23,500 $9,600 - $16,000 Significant cost savings
Canada $6,160 - $9,920 $4,000 - $7,200 $12,320 - $18,840 $8,800 - $14,400 Lower operational costs
United Kingdom $5,650 - $9,100 $3,200 - $6,400 $12,000 - $18,600 $8,000 - $12,800 Reduced hiring expenses
Germany $6,300 - $10,300 $4,000 - $7,200 $12,800 - $19,725 $8,800 - $13,600 Access to the diverse talent pool
Australia $6,300 - $10,150 $4,000 - $7,200 $12,800 - $19,375 $8,800 - $13,600 Lower salary costs
India $1,900 - $3,300 $800 - $1,600 $4,150 - $5,975 $2,400 - $4,000 Extremely competitive rates
Philippines $1,500 - $2,280 $800 - $1,280 $3,330 - $5,280 $1,920 - $2,880 Cost-effective and skilled workforce
Ukraine $2,750 - $3,850 $1,280 - $2,400 $6,275 - $8,425 $3,200 - $5,600 Quality developers at lower rates
Poland $3,150 - $4,650 $1,600 - $2,880 $7,500 - $9,750 $4,000 - $6,400 High-quality and affordable talent
Brazil $2,580 - $4,260 $1,120 - $1,920 $6,550 - $9,300 $2,880 - $4,480 Lower total hiring costs

Benefits of Hiring Offshore Developers

Significant Cost Savings: Hiring offshore developers is also relatively cheaper than hiring local developers, which helps you reduce overall hiring expenses.

Lower Operational Costs: Offshore hires are expected to lower or eliminate year-end benefits, insurance, and tax expenses.

Reduced Hiring Expenses: The overall cost for offshore developers, even for senior developers, was also found to be significantly lower.

Access to Diverse Talent Pool: It can also help you gain access to a pool of talent since one can employ professionals from all over the world, thus diversifying the skill sets available.

Competitive Rates: For example, such nations as India or the Philippines are known for their relatively low price tags, which can lure project managers and business professionals like you with limited finances.

Skilled Workforce: Essentially, offshore developers have numerous advantages, such as technical skills and relative affordability.

This data helps you portray the rationale of hiring offshore Laravel developers over domestic ones by showcasing the potential for cost reduction and other benefits.

Insights on Laravel Cost

The cost of hiring a Laravel developer, whether local or offshore, includes more than just their hourly or annual rate. Employers must consider other associated costs, such as:

  • Recruitment Fees: These cover the expenses that were used when searching for and recruiting suitable employees for the company.
  • Training and Onboarding: Pertains to the money organisations spend on their new employees to ensure that they are productive team members.
  • Tools and Software Licenses: These are the most essential utilities and software required to support development.
  • Infrastructure Costs: Tools and equipment necessary for carrying out the work in an appropriate environment.

Entrusting the Laravel development to offshore developers can drastically reduce these costs. For example, hiring an experienced Laravel developer for your project can be significantly cheaper if you hire one from India or the Philippines than one from the US or Western Europe.

Statistics and Facts On Laravel Development

Laravel development has quickly grown to become one of the most popular tools for web development recently, and here are statistics and facts on it:

  • For example, Payscale reports that Laravel developers in the United States earn an average annual salary of $76,000.
  • 1
  • However, as stated on Glassdoor, 2the average Laravel developer rates in India ranges from $7,974 to $12,260 per year.
  • Additionally, Stack Overflow's poll highlights that Eastern European developers, such as those from Ukraine and Poland, are favoured for their efficiency and competitive rates.


The cost differences of Laravel developers across different countries are vital and should be determined to help businesses effectively balance their development expenses. Thus, considering factors like experience rating, geographical location, and the demand for such hires in the industry, companies can make sound decisions regarding where to hire, locally or offshore.

Hiring Laravel developers through IT staff augmentation partners is a productive idea that saves time, cost, and energy. Offshore development centres offer polished talent for significantly lower rates than in-house hiring. It offers polished talent for significantly lower rates than in-house hiring. Offshore developers specialising in Laravel can help achieve development objectives without overspending.


1. PayScale Link

2 Link

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