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    Role Flutter Developer
    Current Demand Medium
    Smart Working rate From $22/hour €21/hour £17/hour
    Average matching time 7 Days

    Vetted Profiles

    Meet Our Vetted Flutter Developers

    No hidden costs, timezone aligned and able to hire in one week.

    Kavya M. Flutter Developer
    Experience 1


    6 Years


    • Firebase Technology 1
    • Rest Api Technology 1
    • Angular Technology 1

    Coding Ability


    0 10

    Problem Solving


    0 10

    Communication Skills


    0 10

    $22/hour €21/hour £17/hour

    Oscar T. Lead Flutter Developer
    Experience 1


    8 years


    • Graph Ql Technology 1
    • Rest Api Technology 1
    • Kubernetes Technology 1

    Coding Ability


    0 10

    Problem Solving


    0 10

    Communication Skills


    0 10

    $23/hour €22/hour £18/hour

    Ritu Z. Senior Mobile Engineer (Flutter)
    Experience 1


    10 years


    • Rest Api Technology 1
    • Dart Technology 1
    • Firebase Technology 1

    Coding Ability


    0 10

    Problem Solving


    0 10

    Communication Skills


    0 10

    $26/hour €24/hour £20/hour

    Top 1%

    How We Find Top 1% Flutter Developers For You

    Hire developers from as low as $22/hour €21/hour £17/hour

    Step 1

    Outline your Tech Requirements

    • We’ll match you with the best engineers in our network.
    • Each candidate undergoes AI vetting, interviews, and technical tests.

    Step 2

    Interview all the Candidates

    • We will present the best engineers to you at no cost.
    • Each candidate is selected based on your required skills.
    • You will then interview and assess.

    Step 3

    Efficient Onboarding

    • Once you’ve selected a developer, we will onboard and set them up with your team.
    • We take care of HR, payroll, pension, and all employment costs.


    Benefits of Hiring Flutter Developer from Smart Working

    Hiring with Smart Working

    Job posting and advertising.

    CV and application collection

    Initial screening and shortlisting

    Interviews and assessments

    Job offer and onboarding

    96% Retention Rate

    Smart Working
    Why Choose Smart Working
    for Your Next Hiring

    No Hidden Costs

    We take care of all employment costs and provide long-term support.


    No minimum length of contract

    No Charge

    We do not charge a search or placement fee

    Cost Saving

    40-50% annual saving from hiring locally.

    $22/hour €21/hour £17/hour

    Per Developer, Per hour



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    They are experienced professionals hired for work by some of the leading European and US tech companies. This means these developers directly fit into your development team as if they were part of it, not just as remote team members but as ones with you who know everything about the project goals and easily fit within the company culture. This means they are up to speed from day one, ensuring high productivity levels and helping you achieve your business objectives in the long run.

    Our developers will work as part of your internal team from the first day. They will follow all standard processes defined by your company, i.e., attend every team call and project progress discussion meeting, submit reports as per your standardised methods, and work like your other team members. The only difference would be that they are working remotely; the rest of everything will remain the same per your operational method.

    Our 98% retention rate speaks to our commitment to quality. We practice committing to long-term success and aim to match you with candidates who will deliver sustained value over years, not just months.

    From the beginning, we allocate a dedicated Customer Success Manager who ensures your satisfaction and acts as your primary point of contact throughout our partnership. Your success is our priority.

    We handle all HR, legal, and administrative tasks without any hidden charges. We ensure compliance with local regulations and relieve you of the bureaucratic burdens associated with hiring.

    When you hire dedicated Flutter developers, a thorough evaluation is crucial because it ensures you’re selecting candidates who possess the necessary technical skills and align with your project needs. This structured evaluation helps avoid issues such as skill mismatches or communication problems that could impact your project's success.

    When you hire dedicated Flutter developers, use a comprehensive assessment template that includes criteria such as technical skills, experience, communication abilities, problem-solving skills, cultural fit, code quality, and project management skills. This ensures a well-rounded evaluation of their capabilities.

    To assess the technical skills of dedicated Flutter developers when you hire them, utilize coding tests, technical interviews, and project reviews. These methods will help you gauge their proficiency in Flutter and Dart, their problem-solving capabilities, and their adherence to coding standards

    Experience is vital when you hire dedicated Flutter developers because it indicates that they have dealt with similar projects and challenges before. Experienced developers are likely to bring valuable insights and solutions to your project, reducing the learning curve and enhancing project execution.

    Problem-solving abilities are critical when you hire dedicated Flutter developers as they enable the developer to handle challenges and bugs effectively. Developers with strong problem-solving skills can keep your project progressing smoothly, even when faced with technical issues.

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    Hire Offshore
    Flutter Developer

    10 Ways to Evaluate Offshore Flutter Developers with Ready to Use Assessment Template

    With the fast-paced tech landscape today, choosing to hire developer talent for offshore Flutter development is a significant part of your project's success. Proper validation and recognition of your project's talent are essential for success. In addition, this guide is a ten-step process for checking offshore Flutter developers that includes an assessment template.
    When you hire flutter developers, there is more to it than just resumes. It's important to have a structured evaluation that addresses all critical aspects of an Individual's capabilities. According to a study, structured interviewing has been shown to improve hiring accuracy by up to 50%. Moreover, some insights point out that companies with strict hiring processes achieve a 25% higher project success rate.

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    Comprehensive Assessment Template

    Here’s a ready-to-use assessment template that combines all the evaluation criteria:

    Criteria Description Importance Level Progress
    Technical Skills Proficiency in Flutter and Dart High Done
    Experience Relevant past projects and roles High Pending
    Communication Skills Clarity in verbal and written communication Medium Done
    Problem-Solving Abilities Ability to address and resolve project challenges High Pending
    Cultural Fit Alignment with company values Medium Done
    Portfolio Quality Quality and variety of past work High Done
    Availability Availability to work in preferred time zone and commitment to project timelines Medium Done
    Client References Positive feedback from previous clients Medium Done
    Code Quality Adherence to coding standards and best practices High Done
    Testing and Debugging Skills Experience with testing frameworks and debugging tools High Done
    Learning Ability and Adaptability Willingness and ability to learn new skills and adapt to changes Medium Done
    Team Collaboration Ability to work effectively within a team environment High Done
    Project Management Skills Ability to manage time and prioritise tasks Medium Done

    Detailed Explanation

    1. Assess Technical Skills

    Why It Matters
    Technical skills are fundamental for any project; when you hire flutter developers, these skills are paramount.Indeed, these skills are a must-have in every field of Flutter and Dart. The developer needs to understand Flutter in detail, follow industry standards, and write code that works and is easy to read and maintain. These skills are necessary for you to avoid issues and challenges with your app in the future, making the development process less enjoyable and more focused on fixing problems rather than moving forward creatively.

    How to Evaluate

    • Coding Tests: These are the simplest ways to test technical skills, such as taking coding tests. You can devise Flutter and Dart questions to test their understanding of the language plus framework. These are the primary tasks up to quite comprehensive and close-to-real-life scenarios you would have in your project.
    • Technical Interviews: Technical interviews are more focused questions geared towards understanding the candidates' problem-solving abilities and depth of knowledge. You can have them talk out their thought processes while they work through issues during these interviews. This indicates the technology level they use and reveals some of their thought processes individually and how systematically they approach any problem.
    • Project Reviews: The best way to have information about their technical abilities is by checking out their past projects and code snippets, as it tells a lot. i.e., Request them to provide their previous work. Take a code quality and structure perspective to see how they structured everything and approached different problems. Here, you will have some hands-on experience with their knowledge and attention to detail.

    2. Review Experience

    Why It Matters
    Just think about hiring someone who has never done anything like your project. While they might have a talent for it, someone with no experience will probably deal with quite the learning curve. This is why having experience with other projects like yours is so critical. The best type of Flutter developer for a project is one who has already solved the problems your project was experiencing, i.e., knows precisely what you need (assuming domain-specific). Not only can the more experienced developers give you their knowledge in a cohesive overview, but they also know what contributes towards best practices of ANY project.

    How to Evaluate

    • Portfolio Review: Firstly, have a look at their portfolios. This is a compendium of their prior art, showing their capabilities. You are going to want the ones that pertain the most to what you are trying to do. If you were working on a complex mobile app with deep user interactions, ask to see the work they did for similar projects. Look at the quality of their work, the types of tasks they have done, and any trends that indicate they may possess the experience you are looking for.
    • Past Projects: Go one step further and talk to them about their work in the past. Ask them to describe their role in every project and express what they were responsible for. Or were they included in the planning early on? These may consist of what significant challenges they overcame or innovative solutions discovered during the experience. When you hire Flutter developers, these conversations can provide valuable insights into how they apply their experience to your project. Also, it allows you to gauge their communication skills and how clearly they can give voice to role-specific experiences.

    3. Evaluate Communication Skills

    Why It Matters
    Who in their right mind wants to work with someone who cannot articulate what they wish to or listen to? Eventually, each subsequent thought and perspective is from another field, as if speaking two entirely different languages while performing a project. While working remotely, you must communicate effectively. It is the thing that will connect all of your resources, ensuring every staff member in your department or agency is on the same page.
    For any project, the primary contributing factor is good communication, which leads to understanding requirements better and clearing issues quickly before they affect project timelines. Without it, your project can be frustrating for even the most competent developer to work with.

    How to Evaluate

    • Interviews: Speaking with a hire remote Flutter developer is essential for assessing communication skills. Observe how they structure their thoughts and present their ideas. Are they clear and concise? Are they attentive listeners, and do you feel heard by them? We suggest having them explain complex technical concepts in layman's terms to test how well they can digest information. At the same time, speaking clearly is not good verbal communication if you do it in a vacuum with someone who cannot listen well or does not even deign to talk.
    • Writing Samples: There is also a written form of communication that goes through email, chat, documentation, and more, which are vital to remote teams as well. To this end, inquire about writing samples - be it a former email or your report of their tech documentation work. Then, you will want to evaluate their writing for clarity, coherence, and detail. This is important as you will want to know if they can communicate technical knowledge in writing (e.g., when documenting projects, updates, and troubleshooting steps).

    4. Test Problem-Solving Abilities

    Why It Matters
    Think about the situation where your project is stuck due to an intricate bug or a crucial deadline lines up. This is when problem-solving skills are essential. High-quality offshore flutter developers will be able to address any problems that arise by thinking their way through the problem, coming up with some great solutions and keeping work ticking along nicely. There's more than just bug fixing to do, my friend; it's about keeping the project moving forward and making sure that it finds some good defects. When these are missing, projects get stuck, and everybody is annoyed.

    How to Evaluate

    • Technical Challenges: Present them with an actual problem to solve. Situations like those may be scenarios that can arise in your work. See how they attack the problem. Are they logical about it? Is there something different they try or do before accepting an answer? This will help you assess their rationality, as well as judgment under pressure.
    • Scenario Discussions: Have them talk through challenges they had in past projects. Read what they had to say when the going got a little tougher. How did they determine the problem? How did they resolve this? Were they working together with someone? A good understanding of how they approached obstacles in the past can tell you a lot about how they will troubleshoot similar hiccups with your project.

    5. Check Cultural Fit

    Why It Matters
    Now, think about it in terms of hiring the right person and someone who just seems to fit your company vibes. It is as if you have just found that lost puzzle piece which fits perfectly into place. Cultural compatibility will make sure that the offshore developer sits perfectly in your company culture and understands the values for which you work. These alignments are significant because they build better teamwork, which results in better morale and job satisfaction. Having everyone sing from the same sheet makes coordination simple, communication clear, and generally leads to a much more pleasant working environment. In sum, a developer who is much better aligned with your culture will simply be more human-engaged in their work...aka productive and happy!

    How to Evaluate

    • Interviews: Ask them how they like to work and something about their personal values. This includes their experiences or how they prefer to work, what motivates them, and most of all, people skills (asking about challenges and problem-solving scenarios). Questions such as "What does your dream office look like?" or "How do you manage conflicting interests within a team?" can reveal if they share the same values and work ethic as your organization.
    • Team Interactions: Observation of how well they interact during the interview process helps you get an idea of whether they might be too reserved or if they’ll integrate smoothly into a company culture where brisk communication between cross-functional teams is essential. This could be through a panel interview, an informal group session, or similar. Observe their communication style and teamwork. Are they respectful and attentive? Are they adding something productive to the conversation? Their interaction can give you insight into whether they will fit into your company culture.

    6. Code Quality and Best Practices

    Why It Matters
    Coding standards and best practices: the rules of a well-organized kitchen. Place everything where it should be, and everyone follows the same recipe; you will have a well-cooked meal. Along the same lines, following coding standards and best practices will ensure that your code is clean and maintainable. This allows anyone looking at the code later on, be it for debugging, feature additions, or audits, to understand and work with the method without unnecessary heartburn. This results in a swifter time to development, fewer bugs, and a more accessible code base that allows you the flexibility of growth as your project grows.

    How to Evaluate

    • Code Reviews: Start by checking their sample code or previous projects. Evaluate their code structure and cleanliness. Do they use consistent names? Is the code modular and well-documented? Look at the logical flow and commenting style. A well-structured codebase shows that the offshore Flutter developer prioritizes best practices and writes code that others can easily understand.
    • Standards Compliance: Verify that their APIs comply with industry data and security standards. Observe their use of accepted frameworks, libraries, or tools. Do they adhere to security, performance, and scalability best practices? Also, check if they have contributed to open-source projects, as this can indicate their commitment to high coding standards and active involvement in the developer community.

    7. Testing and Debugging Skills

    Why It Matters
    What if, after you launch your app and use it for the first time, instead of success... Bug! Crash! That is the most horrible thing, isn't it?Testing and debugging are critical skills, especially when you hire remote flutter developer talent.It is essential to ensure that the offshore Flutter developer writes quality code and error-free applications. With good testing, you can catch potential issues early and not get stuck with expensive fixes later on. A debugger would be able to quickly diagnose and troubleshoot problems and ensure that everything runs smoothly. Basically, these are the skills that will enable you to produce an excellent product that adheres to user requirements and functions as expected.

    How to Evaluate

    • Testing Knowledge: Begin by inquiring about their experience with different types of testing. Your goal is to determine whether they have experience writing and executing unit tests, integration tests, and automated acceptance testing. Unit tests verify that each component works separately, integration tests ensure the components run smoothly together, and automated testing facilitates easier execution of these checks. Some of the testing frameworks they have used include tools for ensuring code quality, etc. This will help give you an idea of how thorough they are and what steps (if any) have been taken to functionally bug-proof the app.
    • Debugging Experience: Discussing their past experience with debugging can provide insights into their problem-solving abilities. Ask them to describe a time when they encountered a difficult debugging situation and how they resolved it. What tools did they use? How did they approach the problem? Look for stories that demonstrate their ability to think critically and systematically under pressure. This will give you insight into how they handle real-world problems and their capability to find on-the-spot solutions.

    8. Learning Ability and Adaptability

    Why It Matters
    Imagine how rapidly technology becomes outdated. There are always new frameworks, tools, and best practices emerging. For a field that is as rapidly changing as present-day software development, learning new technologies and adapting to changes are paramount on the offshore developer's part. You do not just need to be update-prone; you must ensure your project can use the best of breed and most efficient solutions available. An offshore Flutter developer who never stops learning and is flexible in their approach implies that fresh ideas are provided, and your project will be fine-tuned with only the best, most recent plugins available, making it competitive and modern.

    How to Evaluate

    • Continuous Learning: Consider asking them whether they are actively learning or attempting to learn new technologies and how. Are they proactive about staying current in their area of expertise? What about online courses, workshops, or webinars? What certifications or badges have they earned recently? Next, you can inquire about the last piece of new technology or tool they implemented in their work; this will demonstrate their dedication to ongoing learning and self-improvement.
    • Adaptability: Follow up by asking how they handled the changing nature of previous projects. The tech industry often experiences shifting priorities and project scopes. Review case studies to see how dedicated Flutter developers adapt to new challenges. How did they respond to changes? How well did they adapt, and what issues (if any) did they encounter? Look for instances that showcase their capacity to be flexible and adaptable in various change scenarios. This will give you insight into how they maintain composure under pressure and whether they thrive in chaotic situations.

    9. Team Collaboration

    Why It Matters
    Now imagine a project where everyone works together seamlessly, ideas pop up from anywhere, and issues almost instantly solve themselves. That is the power of good team collaboration. In other words, good collaboration between developers on the same team is a must for your project to be executed safely and for all components to be adequately integrated. Good collaboration means improved communication, creative approaches to solutions, and united steps towards the project deliverables. The best way to ensure that all team members are satisfied and making a valuable contribution towards project success.

    How to Evaluate

    • Team Interaction: Everything will be revealed during the interviews, but do pay attention to how well they cope with people from different backgrounds. You could conduct a group interview or one that’s collaborative with multiple team members. Observe how they convey their ideas, listen to others, and demonstrate a solution-oriented approach. Are they respectful and open to others' ideas? Are they capable of working as part of a team? These interactions could serve as good indicators of how well they will fit into your team dynamics.
    • Collaboration Tools: In the modern workplace, many roles require familiarity with collaboration tools due to the prevalence of remote and hybrid work. Ask them about their experience with tools such as Slack, Jira, Trello, etc. Are they skilled enough to operate these tools effectively while handling tasks, coordinating with teammates, and ensuring milestones are achieved? Do they have any specific methodologies regarding the use of these tools as a form of collaboration (e.g., daily touchpoints, standups, handling issues)? Understanding this will provide insight into their technical skills with collaboration tools and, in general, their communication and project management abilities.

    10. Project Management Skills

    Why It Matters
    An offshore flutter developer who writes excellent code and also completes all tasks assigned to them as if they are just an expert. This indicates they are not only working hard but smart. Project management, for even the most simple of apps—especially those optimized to leverage a growing user base—is an area where flutter developers can continue their efficiency and consistency in task completion with timelines. When you hire offshore Flutter developers, those who are able to manage their time effectively give priority wishfully, resulting in easy project execution with fewer interruptions and more efficiency. This means each piece of the project is getting done when it should and will continue to move forward without any bottlenecks or gotcha moments.

    How to Evaluate

    • Time Management: Begin by inquiring about their work habits and how they complete tasks efficiently. How do they plan their workday? What tools or techniques do they use to manage their tasks? Ask them to describe a time when they had to manage multiple deadlines and how they handled it. Look for indications that they are proactive in planning and scheduling their work, as this will help ensure that projects stay on track and milestones are met.
    • Task Prioritization: Discuss how they handle multiple responsibilities and prioritize tasks. Have them walk you through their prioritization process when they are overwhelmed with work. Are they familiar with frameworks or methodologies, such as the Eisenhower Matrix or Pomodoro Technique? Ask them to share an example of a situation where they had to juggle several important tasks and how they effectively prioritized to ensure everything was completed. Observing a well-defined prioritization process will give you confidence in their ability to manage the demands of your project.

    Benefits of Using This Template

    • Consistency: Consistency is one of the most significant advantages of using this template. When you hire remote Flutter developer talent, maintaining consistency in evaluation is essential. It helps eliminate confusion and ensures that all candidates are assessed fairly and without bias. By applying the same criteria to every candidate, you ensure that each remote developer is evaluated on the same skills and attributes, making comparisons more straightforward and reliable. This levels the playing field and helps you identify truly exceptional candidates.
    • Efficiency: The decision to hire developer resources can be time-consuming, especially when sifting through numerous applications and conducting multiple interviews. This template streamlines the process by providing a clear roadmap to follow. With this assessment template, you’ll evaluate offshore Flutter developers step-by-step, saving time and keeping the hiring process moving smoothly. This way, you can find the right offshore Flutter developer without unnecessary delays.
    • Accuracy: Making an informed choice to hire a developer resources is crucial for the success of your projects. This template helps you gather all the necessary information to accurately assess each candidate’s suitability for the role. You’ll gain a comprehensive view of their technical skills, experience, communication abilities, problem-solving capabilities, cultural fit, and more. With this detailed evaluation, you can confidently choose the offshore Flutter developer who best meets your needs and will contribute positively to your project.
    • Risk Mitigation: Hiring the wrong candidate can be costly and disruptive, leading to missed deadlines, subpar code, and even team friction. This template helps mitigate those risks by providing a thorough and structured assessment process. By following the template, you reduce oversight and strengthen your decisions to hire dedicated Flutter developers. A careful approach ensures you’re hiring offshore Flutter developers who align both technically and culturally, thereby reducing the risks associated with bad hires.


    With years of industry experience, we have honed a rigorous evaluation process that vets 35,000 applications monthly. Our AI vetting and human assessment methods bring you top offshore flutter developers for your project.

    Our assessment template is crafted to streamline your process to hire dedicated flutter developers. With these insights, you’re ready to find the right offshore Flutter developer for your project. If you also want to expand with React Native, explore our hire react native developer hiring services for tailored solutions. To further enhance your hiring strategy, consider partnering with us. Book a consultation with our experts today to find out how we can help you secure top talent.

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