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Hire Unity  

No hidden cost, Fully integrated services, Timezone-aligned, Hire within a week

    Role Unity Developer
    Current Demand Medium
    Smart Working rate From $26/hour €24/hour £20/hour
    Average matching time 7 Days

    Vetted Profiles

    Meet Our Vetted Unity Developers

    No hidden costs, timezone aligned and able to hire in one week.

    Vikram B. Unity Developer
    Experience 1


    8 Years


    • Nodejs Technology 1
    • Angular Technology 1
    • Mysql Technology 1

    Coding Ability


    0 10

    Problem Solving


    0 10

    Communication Skills


    0 10

    $28/hour €26/hour £22/hour

    Olivia C. Unity Developer
    Experience 1


    6 Years


    • Laravel Technology 1
    • Mysql Technology 1
    • Azure Technology 1

    Coding Ability


    0 10

    Problem Solving


    0 10

    Communication Skills


    0 10

    $26/hour €24/hour £20/hour

    Nisha A. Unity Developer
    Experience 1


    9 Years


    • Mysql Technology 1
    • Nodejs Technology 1
    • Laravel Technology 1

    Coding Ability


    0 10

    Problem Solving


    0 10

    Communication Skills


    0 10

    $31/hour €29/hour £24/hour

    Top 1%

    How We Find Top 1% Unity Developers For You

    Hire developers from as low as $26/hour €24/hour £20/hour

    Step 1

    Outline your Tech Requirements

    • We’ll match you with the best engineers in our network .
    • Each candidate undergoes AI vetting, interviews, and technical tests.

    Step 2

    Interview all the Candidates

    • We will present the best engineers to you at no cost.
    • Each candidate is selected based on your required skills.
    • You will then interview and assess.

    Step 3

    Efficient Onboarding

    • Once you’ve selected a developer, we will onboard and set them up with your team.
    • We take care of HR, payroll, pension, and all employment costs.


    Benefits of Hiring Unity Developer from Smart Working

    Hiring with Smart Working

    Job posting and advertising

    CV and application collection

    Initial screening and shortlisting

    Interviews and assessments

    Job offer and onboarding

    96% Retention Rate

    Smart Working
    Why Choose Smart Working
    for Your Next Hiring

    No Hidden Costs

    We take care of all employment costs and provide long-term support.


    No minimum length of contract

    No Charge

    We do not charge a search or placement fee

    Cost Saving

    40-50% annual saving from hiring locally.

    $26/hour €24/hour £20/hour

    Per Developer, Per hour



    Trusted by 150+ of Organizations

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    Common Questions and their Answers

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    Our developers work your hours, are fully integrated into your team, and use your communication channels. We provide productivity software to monitor and enhance their performance. They work as ordinary members of your team, participating in all calls and team activities.

    Hiring through us can save you 40-50% annually. For example, if you’re willing to pay £60k annually, it would typically cost you £70k with NIC and pension contributions. With us, it will cost you around £35k annually, just under £3k per month. This includes all costs like legal fees, equipment, and a professional work-from-home environment for the developer.

    Our service is risk-free. We offer a 30-day cancellation policy initially, and a 60-day cancellation policy thereafter. There is no minimum length of contract, so you are not locked in for any specific period. We aim to ensure you get the value you need without any long-term commitment.

    At our company, we vet and test all candidates through a rigorous process. This includes technical interviews, practical tests, and thorough background checks. Our developers have experience working with top European and US tech businesses, ensuring their skills and education are on par with your needs.

    Using an dedicate hiring partner like us saves you time and effort in the initial vetting process. We provide access to a large pool of pre-vetted candidates, ensuring high-quality talent. Additionally, our Customer Success Team and dedicated Customer Success Manager are always available to support you, ensuring a smooth hiring process and long-term satisfaction.

    To evaluate technical proficiency when you hire dedicate Unity developers for VR/AR projects, review their portfolios, conduct technical interviews, and assess their skills through coding challenges tailored to VR/AR development. This includes examining their experience with Unity, VR/AR frameworks, 3D modelling, and animation.

    When hiring dedicate Unity developers for VR/AR projects, check their previous project work, review client testimonials, and validate hands-on experience. Look for a portfolio that showcases relevant VR/AR projects and conduct reference checks to confirm their expertise.

    Include a detailed checklist that covers technical proficiency, experience with VR/AR projects, problem-solving skills, communication abilities, cultural fit, and continuous learning. Utilize portfolios, technical interviews, practical tests, and other assessment techniques to ensure a thorough evaluation.

    Ensure that dedicate Unity developers have up-to-date knowledge by reviewing their recent training, certifications, and participation in VR/AR communities. Check their involvement in industry forums, recent courses, and any new technologies they’ve adopted.

    Effective communication skills tests for dedicate Unity developers include role-playing exercises, where they must explain complex concepts or collaborate on a simulated project. Additionally, use video interviews to assess their clarity of expression, responsiveness, and ability to handle feedback.

    Ready to Hire a Unity Developer?
    We can conduct Unity Developers search at No Cost


    Hire Offshore
    Unity Developer

    How To Evaluate Offshore Unity Developer Experience with VR/AR Projects

    Hiring the right offshore Unity developer for your VR/AR projects is essential to impact your initiatives' success positively. With VR/AR technologies' increasing complexity, it's crucial to evaluate potential candidates' technical and non-technical skills thoroughly. According to Gartner, the demand for VR/AR applications is growing exponentially, with the market expected to reach $72.8 billion by 2024. Statista reports similar growth, highlighting the importance of skilled developers in this field. This guide provides a detailed checklist and evaluation process to help you hire offshore Unity developers with the right expertise for your VR/AR projects.

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    1. Technical Proficiency

    • Details: When you hire offshore Unity developers for VR/AR projects, certain qualities need to be considered. These are Unity Skills, VR/AR Framework skills, 3D Modelling Skills, and animation skills. These are the standard technical competencies for creating efficient VR/AR systems.
    • How to Evaluate: The next step is to look at the developer’s portfolio to learn more about their previous work. Set up technical interviews to discuss their knowledge and experience with relevant technologies. If you're planning to hire developer teams, consider assessing multiple portfolios for a broader skill comparison. You can also assess skills through coding challenges specific to VR/AR development.
    • Testing Techniques: Use practical tests where the hire offshore Unity developer must solve real-world problems or complete specific tasks related to VR/AR. Their coding style and work during projects better indicate their skills than a simple interview.

    2. Experience with VR/AR Projects

    • Details: When estimating a developer's qualifications, it’s essential to Hire Developers who have experience with VR/AR projects, as this shows they understand what it takes to develop these technologies.
    • How to Evaluate: Review their previous projects in detail. Check references to validate their experience and talk to former clients. Make sure to hire Unity developers who have practical experience with VR/AR hardware and software development kits (SDKs).
    • Testing Techniques: Ask the developer to showcase past projects. This could be through portfolio reviews or a direct presentation of individual activities and technologies applied. When you hire dedicated Unity developers with VR/AR experience, look for specific project examples where their expertise shines.

    3. Problem-Solving Skills

    • Details: Creating VR/AR applications can involve issues that are unique to them and differ from those of other traditional applications. For this reason, it’s necessary to hire offshore Unity developers with strong problem-solving abilities who can adapt to these unique demands.
    • How to Evaluate: Present real-world scenarios during the interview to evaluate their problem-solving skills. Candidates should demonstrate how they handle and resolve specific issues encountered in VR/AR projects, which is vital if you’re looking to hire remote Unity developers.
    • Testing Techniques: Scenario-based questions and practical tests should be used to test problem-solving abilities. This process allows you to assess how the hire Unity developers handle unexpected challenges specific to VR/AR development.

    4. Communication Skills

    • Details: Communication is crucial when working with teams across different regions, especially if you hire remote Unity developers. Developers must explain ideas, give constructive feedback, and collaborate effectively.
    • How to Evaluate: Video interviews can help assess interpersonal communication skills. Ask the developer to explain technical concepts clearly and listen to others' input, as this is essential when you hire dedicated Unity developers.
    • Testing Techniques: Use communication skills tests and role-playing exercises to evaluate their proficiency. Simulate scenarios where they need to explain complex ideas to team members or clients. For companies looking to hire remote Unity developers, these skills ensure smooth collaboration.

    5. Cultural Fit and Team Collaboration

    • Details: The field of VR/AR is constantly evolving, so it's essential to hire developers who are committed to continuous learning and staying updated with the latest technologies.
    • How to Evaluate: Check for certifications, training, or professional community involvement that shows a commitment to learning. When you hire remote Unity developers or hire offshore Unity developers dedicated to growth, it ensures they can adapt to new challenges.
    • Testing Techniques: Learning assessments and certifications can offer insights into their dedication to continuous improvement. If you hire dedicated Unity developers, ask about their most recent training or courses.

    6. Continuous Learning and Adaptation

    • Details: The field of VR/AR is constantly evolving, so it's essential to hire developers who are committed to continuous learning and staying updated with the latest technologies.
    • How to Evaluate: Check for certifications, training, or professional community involvement that shows a commitment to learning. When you hire remote Unity developers or hire offshore Unity developers dedicated to growth, it ensures they can adapt to new challenges.
    • Testing Techniques: Learning assessments and certifications can offer insights into their dedication to continuous improvement. If you hire dedicated Unity developers, ask about their most recent training or courses.


    We created this checklist based on our hiring experiences. Since 2020, we have assisted clients in the USA and Europe in finding offshore IT talent, vetting over 35,000 applications monthly. By leveraging this expertise, we help clients confidently hire offshore Unity developers with the right skills and experience for VR/AR projects. If you’re also looking to expand your team further, explore our Hire Game Developers services for top talent in game development.

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